Portland Profile: Laura Cigolot

Portland Profile: Laura Cigolot

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career so far?

“Listen more; talk less; try to understand things from others’ perspective”. One thing I’ve learnt is to always consider the audience I am talking to, and to respect it whether it’s a large group, a one-on-one meeting, or a small group meeting.

What is your favourite part about your role?

I need to find a purpose in everything I do and working on health policy projects is very fulfilling and allows me to make a meaningful contribution to citizens and public health. I love connecting with people, listening to their needs, and raising awareness on key health challenges to promote innovation and safer health care.

What has been your favourite experience at Portland so far?

I joined Portland last month and so far, I can say that I particularly enjoyed the team building day we had a few weeks ago. It was great to share a full day with all the colleagues outside the office, to see all of us engaged and having fun during the activity sessions. We brainstormed, thought about the direction of the journey we want to take, and had fun while cooking and taking cooking quiz!

What advice would you give your 20-year-old self starting out in comms, or to someone entering this field of work?

Always be responsible for your actions, do what’s good for you, speak up and be resilient! Hard work pays off and there is nothing better than doing what you love and what you’re good at!

What do you do to switch off from work?

I love travelling since I was a kid. This is a very important part of me decompressing. Also, I feel recharged anytime I go back to my homeland, Italy, to visit my family and friends. Finally, I completely disconnect when I go dancing, play or listen to classical music, and play sports [skiing and sailing].

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