Portland Profile: Katie Emms

29th February 2024

Portland Profile


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career so far?

“What would you tell your client to do in the same situation?”  

Taking a step back. Not rushing into decisions. And seeing yourself from an external point of view really helps to make better, more informed, and objective decisions.

What is your favourite part about your role?

Day-to-day I love the variation in my work. When I look back, there has been huge variation in terms of geographies, sectors, and issues. I have learnt about niche areas of law I never thought I would!

Working at Portland also gives us access interesting opportunities, from some fascinating training with thought leaders, to international travel and a lot of time to read the news!

What has been your favourite experience at Portland so far?

Too many to choose from. I love the time sensitive and crisis work where you can quickly see the impact that communications are having.

Often our work is more of a slow burn and effort to shift perceptions. In a crisis, be that a significant external event or something more common place, the situation can change in minutes, and this is when clients really value and depend on our advice.

What advice would you give your 20-year-old self-starting out in comms, or to someone entering this field of work?

I think your early 20s are all about building your confidence in work. This was one of the big things I needed to work on, and that confidence grew as I built up my experience.

So, I think I would just tell myself, that confidence will come with time, keep doing what you are doing, going for the new opportunities, and putting yourself in those out of your comfort zone positions and in time you will be far more relaxed in them and won’t think twice about it.

What do you do to switch off from work?

I spend a lot of time cooking and trying new recipes. I find it helps to switch off from the day and avoid more screentime. I am also a social person so am always out and about with friends and family!

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