A Global Ranking of Soft Power 2017

A Global Ranking of Soft Power 2017

Developing and delivering effective foreign policy is growing in complexity. Precipitated by the shift in power from states to networks, exacerbated by the rapid change in technology and compounded by fiscal constraints, governments and their diplomats must adapt if they wish to succeed in this challenging environment.

More than ever, success depends on the ability to attract, build, and mobilise networks of actors to work collaboratively. Those countries with the ability to do so will be the ones driving change and shaping global events in the future.
In this new context, soft power – the ability to achieve objectives through attraction and persuasion – is crucial to the effective conduct of foreign policy.
Our third index builds on previous years, providing an in depth assessment of countries’ soft power resources in relation to each other as well as unparalleled insights and analysis from leading practitioners around the world.

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