Class Action Report 2022

Class Action Report 2022

Portland’s third annual Class Action Report provides unique insights into public perceptions around group litigation in both the UK and US markets. The full report, published today, is available here.

The Class Action Report 2022 polled a large representative sample of the UK and US population. Polling responses and Portland’s analysis from 2022 reveals that:

    1. Trust and confidence in class actions remain relatively low in the UK compared to the US.
    2. UK and the US willingness to sign up to class actions remains high, and the public are increasingly willing to boycott companies accused of breaking the law.
    3. Appetite for competition claims among the general public is also high, with a relatively high understanding of how a company’s actions affect prices paid by consumers.
    4. Litigation funding is accepted by the general public as a necessary aspect of bringing class actions.


For the first time, report analyses the public’s appetite for competition claims, including measuring consumer understandings of how unfair commercial practices impact the price they pay as consumers.

This year’s report also includes insights from leading industry experts discussing the rise of competition claims and the public’s broader attitudes towards class actions on both sides of the Atlantic.

The Class Action Report 2022 was produced by Portland’s specialist Litigation & Disputes practice. We provide strategic communications advice to help reinforce the legal strategy of leading law firms around the world.

For twenty years, and across multiple jurisdictions, countries and languages, Portland has applied its problem-solving abilities to provide bespoke communications solutions to legal issues.

Since 2018, Portland’s Litigation & Disputes practice has been recognised in Band 1 for PR & Communications in Chambers and Partners Litigation Support Guide.

Please contact us for any additional data, or to learn more about how we can help, at [email protected].

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