Tory MPs are urging David Cameron to focus on law and order in 2012 to remind voters the Conservatives are tough on crime.
Backbenchers want to reinforce the party’s lead on an issue which is always in the top three of voters’ concerns.
There is a perfect opportunity in November 2012 when voters elect Police Commissioners for the first time in British history.
The elections – in 43 regions – will see all three political parties put their election machines into gear and stress test them under real conditions.
They will attract media attention as some candidates will be high profile figures like Colonel Tim Collins, the Iraq War hero.
What better chance for the Conservatives to remind the nation law and order is central to their DNA?
And yet some MPs are warning the party is being slow to select candidates and must not miss the chance to seize the moment.
They are also desperate to stop constituency associations from choosing the candidates.
Constituency chairs – very often the epitomy of the blue rinse brigade – have a poor record in selecting as candidates impressive and “normal” men and women.
A growing group of Tory backbenchers and ministerial aides is organising to make no10 and the PM aware of their fears.
They want clear action to make sure MPs get the power to choose candidates.
And they are determined to get Conservative HQ to move Police Commissioner elections to the top five priorities on the “to do” list for 2012.
The whole of the rest of the year – and several to come – will be dominated by the agonies of the Eurozone.
The most senior figures in the British government believe the saga will continue for the whole of 2012 and beyond.
They expect the Eurozone countries to limp on from one crisis to the next, destroying further the already shattered economies of the southern Med states.
Senior Cabinet ministers involved in the saga believe a sudden resolution is needed – either a “big bazooka” or a decision to dismantle the currency altogether.
But they are conscious that EU leaders cannot face the enormity of leaving the currency.
EU heads of state are partly wedded to the idea because of years of sentiment.
But it’s the logistics which are too awful to contemplate.
It would mean a minimum of closing borders and printing currency overnight.
Imagine the upheaval. Imagine the political strength needed.