The Quarterly: New economic environments

In each of the thirteen years Portland has been in business, we have worked with an ever-more diverse set of clients, challenges and audiences.
The Quarterly: The Africa Edition

The last time a British Prime Minister hosted a G8 Summit, he was faced with clear-cut demands and a lot of noise.
The Quarterly: Reputation Management in a Digital Age

Only a few years ago, the dividing lines between the different PR disciplines in the corporate world were fairly sharply drawn.
The Quarterly: The Transatlantic edition

Welcome to issue 8 of the Portland Quarterly. As we come to the end of the party conference season here in the UK, attention will again turn to politics.
The Quarterly: The Leadership Edition

Welcome to issue 7 of the Portland Quarterly. For this second edition of 2012, we have gathered together a range of outside and in-house contributors.
The Quarterly: The Partnerships edition

Welcome to issue 6 of the Portland Quarterly. In the first edition of 2012, we focus on the theme of partnerships.
The Quarterly: 2012 Preview

Across the economy, politics and communications, Portland’s finest offer their views on what issues will drive the news and policy agendas in 2012.
The Quarterly: The Digital Edition

This fourth edition of the Portland Quarterly tackles the ever-changing world of digital communications. Our contributors examine emerging trends.
The Quarterly: The International Edition

For the third edition of the Portland Quarterly, our contributors take a more global view, exploring issues and trends from the international world.
The Quarterly: The Localism Edition

For the second edition of the Portland Quarterly we ask how the localism trend is impacting on the public and private sectors in the UK and abroad.